Sand delivery at the Russley Golf Club. Every material we bring on to site (i.e. sand, soil, gravel, pipe etc) is vigorously tested to ensure it meets industry standards.
Cart path construction.
Cat 247b
Cat 247b. A vital tool for any golf course build. Can perform a range of tasks from shaping a bunker, trimming a sand carpet layer or cultivating a seed bed with the harley rake attachment.
Sand Pro
The sand pro is the final machine used on the greens before it is ready for seeding. It will be operated by our finishing shaper under the guidance of the architect to get those final shapes perfect.
Blec self-propelled seeder
Blec self-propelled seeder with double cambridge rollers. This machine is what we use to seed smaller areas where the tractor mounted seeder cannot get into.
John Deere 5425
John Deere 5425. 85hp tractor fitted with hydraulic top and side links to give movement in all directions for Gannon box scraper. Tractor fitted with air conditioned cab and stereo for operator comfort.